
Ricky Remmero Jerks Off

New gay porn stud Ricky Remmero jerks off for Active Duty. Ricky e loves to gaze into the camera as he strokes every long inch of that throbbing cock. Donโ€™t get too distracted by that cock because Ricky loves to rub that wide firm chest of his. Rickyโ€™s veiny cock shows off all its glory when Claude goes in for an extreme close up giving us some amazing audio that moans from Rickyโ€™s mouth.

Sadly but gladly that time has arrived as Ricky lets loose his thick load all over his cock giving out one last loud groan of release.

Like this video? Click here to watch Ricky Remmero jerking off for Active Duty!

Ricky Remmero

Ricky Remmero

Ricky Remmero

Ricky Remmero

Ricky Remmero

Ricky Remmero

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