
Elder Calder and President Lee

Missionary Boys President Lee interviews the newest Mormon – Elder Calder.

Elder Calder is very quiet and soft spoken. He doesn’t like to talk about himself too much, fearing he could become vain or selfish. The men of the Order see what a stunningly handsome man he is and are infatuated with his humility as well as his looks.

They see real potential for him to become a devoted servant of the Brethren, but first, President Lee must do what he does best: bring out the boy’s deepest, secret, sexual desires.

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Pictures of Elder Calder and President Lee

Elder Calder and President Lee

Elder Calder and President Lee

Elder Calder and President Lee

Elder Calder and President Lee

Elder Calder and President Lee

Elder Calder and President Lee

Elder Calder and President Lee

Elder Calder and President Lee

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