
Retro Males: Pictures From The Black Dance

Today Retro Males presents a classic BDSM and leather fetish gay porn movie – “Pictures From The Black Dance”.

Pictures from the Black Dance is the first film from the gay S/M classic Dungeons of Europe Trilogy that was shot in 1988, fourteen years after director Roger Earl and producer Terry LeGrand made the BDSM classic Born to Raise Hell.

The viewer first glimpses an outdoor scene of a theatre, with Andrew Lloyd Webber on the marquee. The scene is London, as the video was filmed there in a particularly notorious leather dungeon; the image of the theatre could perhaps hint at BDSM play as erotic theatre, a type of play with scenes, as defined above.

The viewer first sees Tony Starr, the pivotal figure in the film, at first kind of like the distant impresario orchestrating the dance of leather scenes, but also a voyeur who becomes a participant. The tall, angular man watches the pictures and becomes part of them, perhaps the audience’s fantasy, who they want to be and what they want to do in the scenes. His spiky gauntlets add a hint of 1980s bling, that era of big hair, shoulder pads, and conspicuous yuppie consumption.

Pictures from the movie

Retro Males: Pictures From The Black Dance

Retro Males: Pictures From The Black Dance 1

Retro Males: Pictures From The Black Dance 2

Retro Males: Pictures From The Black Dance 3

Retro Males: Pictures From The Black Dance 4

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