In Lift & Pound, a sports-sex reality show from Next Door Studios, Andrew Miller and Alessandro Drago train together before indulging in wild, loud, and sweaty sex.
As in any reality show, the beginning is for a short presentation of the participants. Andrew Miller and Alessandro Drago tell us about themselves and the things they like about sex and sports. Next, the two handsome men go to the garage to show us some physical exercises – mainly weight lifting, some boxing, and sit-ups.
Sweaty enough, with wet sticky bodies, they are ready for the most interesting part of the reality show and return to the living room to have sex. Andrew Miller and Alessandro Drago exchange some blowjobs, then Alessandro slides his tongue into Andrew’s hairy, sweaty hole.
After Andrew’s ass gets slick and loose, Alessandro shoves his cock into his ass and starts the cool pumping action that will make this reality show an absolute hit.
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