This video from Hung Young Brit is full of cum. Watch as this sexy 21-year-old stud is getting fucked raw by a group of outdoor strangers.

Text from George, the owner of Hung Young Brit: We push things to the limit this day. Fit AF 21yr scally boy – he knew me from the vids and said he always wanted to be in one and I said “We don’t fuck about
mate, let’s just do it now! HAHA, and it worked – I convince him to come have fun with me not telling him I’m also going to most prob be sucking on everyone else dick hoping that they will spunk in my mouth so I can shove it up my ass.
This one guy shoots a STUNNINGLY BIG FAT LOAD in my gob and face and it takes me a while to get the boy bent over, shorts down then I spit the cum outta my mouth at the top of his arse crack and you see it all run down and I use that as REALLY GOOD WET LUBE to RAW fuck this boy – I’m making all sorts of noises cos this is literally my biggest fantasy – being played out – he didn’t know what had hit him but he LOVED IT TOO MAN.
THEN….that dirty-minded lad gets cum in his mouth bends me over and starts fucking me in the middle of the woods- his cock is lovely but fucking BIG – it hurt but I let me get close in my arse cos I was going mental with hornyness. I can’t stop fucking this boy where ever we go – when u see his arse n cock u will see why, We get some fucking amazing shots of me doing him in the arse- REALLY GOOD.
ANOTHER RANDOM DUDE – then this random dude comes up and false’s his way in – a few strokes in this lad and our poor boy is left with another LOAD up deep inside him. We are sucking off 5 more strangers and this guy whoops out his dick and it must be 12 inches – the fattest cock we have ever seen- he was wearing a suit and had been in the office all day so his dick was really smelly (something I fucking LOVE). It was just madness- so many people wanted to get dirty with us. YOU NEED TO GET THIS VIDEO IN FULL – if ya like seeing boys act filthy and obsessed with cum from ANYONE then ya fucking going to love this!