
Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya

In Latin Leche Numero 289, gay porn newcomer Adrian Andres meets Alfonso Osnaya, an experienced versatile stud who likes to fuck and be fucked.

Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso OsnayaLatin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 1Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 2Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 3Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 4Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 5Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 6Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 7Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 8Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 9Latin Leche Numero 289: Adrian Andres & Alfonso Osnaya 10

Hooray! Adrian and Alfonso just got engaged. The cameraman got the exact moment of the proposal and approached the guys to congratulate them. The happy couple is excited about their future, with their honeymoon in mind, so the cameraman comes up with an idea: he wants to interview them and document their sex life in exchange for paying for their honeymoon in Thailand. Adrian and Alfonso accept the deal, engaging in a passionate fuck session.

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