Animated heroes Alpha, Big O, and Spunk discover the magic of double penetration.
In the new episode of the animated gay porn series Sodomy Squad, Alpha, Big O, and Spunk form the world’s first animated double penetration threesome! The forces of evil are everywhere, and it becomes increasingly difficult for our heroes to fight the universal evil. Alpha, Big O, and Spunk are mavericks and up until now they’ve each fought alone, but it’s time for them to join forces because humanity is counting on them.
Evil may be strong and dominant, but the universal power of love is able to destroy it. Alpha, Big O, and Spunk will do something the forces of evil don’t expect – they’ll make love over and over again until good wins. The main role is for Spunk, who will take two cocks up his ass to show the insurmountable power of union.
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