This week at Gaycest, we’re following the continuation of the story of Serg Shepard and Legrand Wolf enjoying being together. As the New Year drew closer, Dr. Legrand Wolf knew that his time with his newly discovered stepson Serg was coming to an end. Serg’s mother missed her son dearly in Kyiv and couldn’t wait for his return. In the meantime, Serg wanted to spend as much time as possible with his stepfather, whom he adored.
Dr. Wolf suggested they spend the day exploring New York City, visiting all the places Serge had always dreamed of seeing. Later, they returned to Dr. Wolf’s luxurious apartment near Central Park, which impressed Serge. He couldn’t believe how handsome and charming his stepfather was, and he couldn’t ignore the intense physical attraction between them whenever they were alone together.
As their time together neared its end, both stepfather and stepson became emotional at the thought of parting ways. But instead of dwelling on it, they decided to make the most of their remaining time together by indulging in endless hours of passionate lovemaking and pure animalistic desire.
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