Fathers Eddie Patrick and Jack Aries cross a line they’ve been dancing around for years, finally giving in to their desires in a moment that’s equal parts holy and unholy. Will God forgive them? Well, he’s the one who handed out asses and cocks like party favors and then acted surprised when people started using them.
Father Patrick and Father Aries had grown tight over the years. With his age and experience, Father Patrick naturally slipped into the role of mentor—almost like an older brother to Father Aries, who looked up to him with a mix of respect and the kind of fondness reserved for family he’d never known.
At St. Jerome’s, the priests’ use of the boys wasn’t so much a secret as it was a poorly kept one, handled with just enough care to avoid outright scandal. Despite their closeness, Father Patrick and Father Aries had never crossed that line—until the morning of Father Aries’ first Sunday Mass investiture.
Of course, Father Patrick wouldn’t miss it. But as the tension between them thickened, unspoken words hung in the air. “Have you ever…” wasn’t just a question; it was an invitation. And when a kiss answered it, all pretense fell away. The priestly robes didn’t stay on long—desire had a way of shedding layers faster than sin could take root.
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