
Jay Tee & Greg Dixxon In Disruptive Films’ “Is It Us”

Greg Dixxon and Jay Tee star as Al Rhinehard and Gabe Lovelace in Disruptive Films’ latest emotionally charged exploration of love, fear, and visibility. Al (Dixxon), a rugged, salt-and-pepper mechanic with a heart worn on his sleeve, battles simmering insecurity as his younger partner, Gabe (Tee)—a sharp-tongued artist with a guarded soul—refuses to be seen with him in public. Is it their 15-year age gap? Or is Gabe ashamed of their queer relationship? The film strips their romance bare in a series of raw, intimate confrontations.

The tension peaks during a late-night kitchen argument: Al, grease-stained and vulnerable, slams his fist on the table. “You embarrassed by me? Or just scared?Gabe, fists clenched, fires back, “You think it’s that simple?” What follows is a masterclass in quiet devastation—Gabe’s confession of internalized shame, Al’s fear of aging into irrelevance—all unraveling over whiskey and trembling hands.


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Disruptive Films frames their struggle with unflinching realism: stolen kisses in dimly lit garages, Gabe flinching when Al touches his waist at the grocery store, and a climactic rooftop scream-fest where Al roars, “I’m not your fucking secret!

How does sex get mixed into this whole dramatic mess?! Just watch the movie and you’ll find out.


What do you think about this gay porn scene?