In The Write Way by Disruptive Films, promising young writer Jason Schmidt (Trevor Brooks) lives out a real-life fantasy with handsome Zak Bishop while writing his next erotic novel. Trevor Brooks is really talented. His erotic fiction has been a hit and millions of copies of his books have enjoyed huge success.
In his latest book, he focuses on the story of Corey Skinner (Zak Bishop) – a sexy gay man who loves passionate sex. Tattooed, well built, he is not a man you would miss on the street. To top it all off, Corey Skinner (Zak Bishop) has amazing sex and is a super bottom. But how does Trevor manage to meet his character when he is a figment of his imagination?!
Well, the answer lies in the great talent of Jason Schmidt (Trevor Brooks) – he knows how to imagine in detail every story he writes about. Thanks to this, we have the opportunity to enjoy a love affair between the talented writer and his character. A story that we will remember for a long time because it is very passionate, erotic, and beautiful.
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DISRUPTIVE FILMS is a studio that will offer the most captivating lineup of premium films and series in the gay market. Helmed by one of porn’s most critically acclaimed disruptors, Bree Mills, a multi-award-winning director and the Chief Creative Officer of Adult Time, Disruptive Films pushes the envelope and caters to the modern tastes of the gay consumer.
Combining award-winning creative talent, premium cinematic techniques, compelling and provocative stories, and men in performances like you’ve never seen before, Disruptive Films is a site unlike any other in the gay adult market.
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