In Ghostly Cupid, Trevor Harris is a mischievous home ghost who materializes on Halloween for a hot threesome with Vincent O’Reilly and Jake Klerin playing the roles of best friends and streamers. Isn’t there some mischievous ghost around you who would like to do it with you?! We’ll check it out on Halloween night.
Scene Description
Best friends and streamers Vincent O’Reilly and Jake Klerin are staying in a vacation house just days before Halloween. Their excitement for the new place slowly turns to spooked as their surprised roommate Trevor begins to make him known. At first, Trevor Harris is not the happiest to have new roommates, but soon enough he notices the two friends have some strong feelings for one another. On Halloween, when he’s ableto appear as close to the flesh as possible, he makes it his mission to make sure he does something nice this All Hallow’s Eve.
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