Based in the 1970’s and inspired by the HBO James Franco drama “The Deuce,” we explore what it would be like to hustle for cash if the same rules applied…
Hi guys, I really do appreciate all the support and encouragement I have received from modeling; it’s hard work keeping my body so strong, but it’s worth it. Like many…
Coach has us on the veranda and me on my back; my teammates’ cocks are finding a nice warm spot down my throat. For inspiration, Coach Jessie Lee leads his…
We were so excited about our grand opening tomorrow for our bed and breakfast, we just couldn’t sleep. That’s when I came up with the idea to fuck away our…
Isaac is fucking gorgeous and when I found out he was checking out, I had a brilliant idea. I told him about our latest promotion, the more you stay, the…
Circle ’round guys, today we’re going to help one another as a team. I also know how important it is to improve your stamina. So that’s why we’re going to…
These boys keep coming out of the woodwork, for some of my woodworking skills. Leaning up against the dugout, I let Cody Hong take a swing; after all, it is…
Eli Lewis thought he came for Peter’s birthday party, but I needed to see if this newbie was PeterFever material. I pretended to take him on a tour of the…
So it turns out the gas wasn’t on. Now that we got the grill going, where’s the beef? Jessie Colter went inside to fetch it a while ago; what’s taking…
I hate photographers! They’re always bailing on me. I just can’t believe that my plans fell through. I wanted to have new photos for my website to show off to…