
Next Door Studios: Scott Finn & Anthony Moore

Today on Next Door Studios, Scott Finn is a criminal man, who gets arrested and then fucked by horny gay detective Anthony Moore. Detective Moore is as yet hot on the trail of the vendor who has been hawking his products on grounds, and his examination has yielded a court order for Scottโ€™s place of home. In the wake of looking through the house and coming up void, the remainder of the officials have hauled out and left, however Detective Moore detects that something isnโ€™t right, and hangs out somewhat more.

Sure enough, he finds Scott Finn attempting to make his escape with an open pack of money and his plane ticket taken care of. Criminologist Anthony Moore advises Scott that he wonโ€™t make his trip to the Bahamas, however that perhaps they can work something out that will enable Scott to proceed with his business yearnings. Scott, busted and without a great deal of alternatives, must choose the option to acknowledge Detective Mooreโ€™s offer. Will it be the start of the end for the them two or will they structure a commonly useful organization going ahead? Just time will tell.


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