After their latest live show at Krash club Paris, Yoshi Kawasaki and Axel Abysse comes back to Tokyo for another hot and rough session in public. This time the two fist pigs present their extraordinary art during a unique fashion show. If you like fisting, you’ll be amazed by that spectacular live performance. Yoshi and Axel shock the audience with their totally wrecked holes and all the punches they take.
Here’s what Axel Abysse shared about this special gay fisting fest: On February 20th, 2020, the Japanese pluridisciplinary creator Daisuke Fujiwara brought together dancers, singers, drag queens and other entertainers for a unique fashion show celebrating his brand GlamHate. On that occasion, Yoshi Kawasaki and Axel Abysse joined darkwave artist Buzz Kull on the stage of Contact in Tokyo for an epic journey into the void.
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